More About Bearfoot Quartet
This pack of dynamic women has been singing together since 2012. Barbershop is a family affair for these 2 sisters and a married couple. In 2013, they won the "Novice Quartet" award for highest scoring NEW quartets at regional competition.
Bearfoot loves to entertain, winning several "Audience Choice" awards for their comedy packages. They have sung Singing Valentines and even crooned the patient units at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Peggy, a retired Pathology Professional, mother of 4 and grandmother of 7, and foster mother of many shelter dogs, sings LEAD.
Patti, retired from the Courts, but still very busy running a' la mode Intimates, mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, sings BARITONE.
Eileen, a Johns Hopkins Nurse, even after beating cancer 3 times, sings TENOR.
Mindy, handy with power tools and computers alike, sings BASS..
Bearfoot Quartet